Sunday, May 31, 2015

Elaine's May Update - nothing

It's been great seeing everyone's progress.  As for me, nothing.  I had a medical situation in April - pretty serious diagnosis and surgery. I'm doing well now, but 7 weeks post-surgery, I'm just now feeling almost normal.  I'd never had general anesthesia before, and it really did a number on me.  Hopefully in a month I will have more to report.  Dark Force is next up in my rotation, and I've only got one more hour to go on my current project. Here's to June!


  1. Glad to hear your feeling better...I hope you will continue to recover and make some progress soon as well :)

  2. Good to hear you are feeling better. Sometimes it just takes the stuffings out of us. Hope June is a better month for you all around.

  3. Good to hear you are feeling better. Sometimes it just takes the stuffings out of us. Hope June is a better month for you all around.
