Thursday, February 28, 2019

Fractal White Tiger February 2019 Update

979 stitches were added to my Charting Creations Fractal White Tiger cross-stitch project this month. This filled in a bit more beneath the eye and down along the nose.

I am eager to reach the bottom of pages 11 and 12 to see his pink nose emerge.

This is how it looked at the end of January.

4 of 30 pages are done. The project is 18.66% complete.

Wishing you all some relaxing stitching time in March.


Monday, February 25, 2019

Winnie the Pooh February

I have lost a good bit of enthusiasm for this project, but I am determined to finish it, so I made it my first focus piece in February.  Previous progress:

2000 stitches later:
I had intended to spend more time this month, since it's for my son and February is his birthday month.  But I got my 2000 stitches, skipping around the small petit point section (Roo in Kanga's pouch), and I was over it.  Perhaps it's all the brown (the dirt path, the tree trunk, etc), not my fave.  Oh well, I digress.  Better luck next month, I will start with backstitching and see if that sparks my mojo.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Reptiles in February

Even though it is a short month, I was able to get my 1200 stitches in.
This is what it looked like in January:

And this is what it looks like now. I am going to try to stitch on it daily, even if it is just one stitch. I would really like to see some progress before the end of the year.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Winnie the Pooh January

2019 got off to a great start with 2100 stitches on Pooh.... including the petit point section for Christopher Robin's head.

I'm participating in the School of Magical Stitches & Literature on FB and I've found many of the stitchy challenges to fit with this piece.  So it's been a great help in motivating me to rack up the stitch count.  It was fun to stitch the front edge of Kanga.  The empty area (above her “pouch”) will be petit point for Roo.  I can’t say I really love stitching on this anymore.  Perhaps I’ll feel differently after doing the backstitch, which should bring the characters into sharp relief.  

Friday, February 1, 2019

Reptiles in January

Well, I managed a page finish and my 1200 stitches. Progress!
Here it was in September(?):
 And here I am now:
I really want to get two pages finished this year. That would be huge progress for me.