Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Yay Leap Day!

I needed this extra day to get as much stitching in as possible.  I definitely have slacked off a bit this month as I only got 2 pages done.  Part of the problem is I've been working out pretty consistently and another part is that I've had a couple of nights where I've been too busy to stitch and to top it off I'm moving this week and it took a lot of time to shop for a new apartment.

But here's what I have so far.  Last time:


My goal for next month is smaller because if moving but my goal is to finish  this set of pages which is basically 2-1/2.  April won't go well either because of my birthday but we'll climb that mountain when we come to it :).


  1. Even if you were busy, that's still great progress - love the colours!

  2. That is still great progress even with everything you have going on!! It looks great!

  3. Wonderful progress. Hope the move goes well and you can get back to stitching!

  4. That's great progress! Good luck with the move.

  5. Wonderful progress! Best wishes moving.

  6. Great progress, it's just blowing me away how fast you've gotten so much done!
